title: "Compute Functional Diversity Hill Indices"
author: "Sebastien Villeger"
date: "`r Sys.Date()`"
output: rmarkdown::html_vignette
vignette: >
%\VignetteIndexEntry{Compute Functional Diversity Hill Indices}
# About this tutorial
## What is this tutorial about?
This tutorial explains how to compute the family of indices presented in
[Chao _et al._ (2019)](https://esajournals.onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/full/10.1002/ecm.1343)
using `mFD`.
## Let's load data and compute functional distance
The data set used to illustrate this tutorial is the **fruits dataset** based on
25 types of fruits (*i.e.* species) distributed in 10 fruits baskets (*i.e.*
assemblages). Each fruit is characterized by six traits values summarized in the
following table:
| Trait name | Trait measurement | Trait type | Number of classes | Classes code | Unit |
| Size | Maximal diameter | Ordinal | 5 | 0-1 ; 1-3 ; 3-5 ; 5-10 ; 10-20 | cm |
| Plant | Growth form | Categorical | 4 | tree; shrub; vine; forb | NA |
| Climate | Climatic niche | Ordinal | 3 | temperate ; subtropical ; tropical | NA |
| Seed | Seed type | Ordinal | 3 | none ; pip ; pit | NA |
| Sugar | Sugar | Continuous | NA | NA | g/kg |
| Use | Use as food | Fuzzy | 3 | raw ; pastry ; jam | % |
We load the three objects used to compute functional framework (for more
explanations, see
[mFD General Workflow](https://cmlmagneville.github.io/mFD/articles/mFD_general_workflow.html)):
* a **data frame** summarizing traits values for each species called
`fruits_traits` in this tutorial:
data("fruits_traits", package = "mFD")
caption = "Species x traits data frame based on the **fruits** dataset")
* a **matrix** summarizing species assemblages called `baskets_fruits_weights`
in this tutorial. Weights in this matrix can be occurrence data, abundance,
biomass, coverage, etc. The studied example works with biomass (*i.e.* grams of
a fruit in a basket) and this matrix looks as follows:
data("baskets_fruits_weights", package = "mFD")
knitr::kable(as.data.frame(baskets_fruits_weights[1:6, 1:6]),
caption = "Species x assemblages matrix based on the **fruits** dataset")
* a **data frame** summarizing traits types called `fruits_traits_cat` in this
tutorial (for details, see
[mFD General Workflow](https://cmlmagneville.github.io/mFD/articles/mFD_general_workflow.html)):
data("fruits_traits_cat", package = "mFD")
caption = "Traits types based on **fruits & baskets** dataset")
Then, we can compute functional distance using the `mFD::funct.dist()` function
as follows:
```{r, echo = FALSE}
fruits_gower <- mFD::funct.dist(
sp_tr = fruits_traits,
tr_cat = fruits_traits_cat,
metric = "gower",
scale_euclid = "noscale",
ordinal_var = "classic",
weight_type = "equal",
stop_if_NA = TRUE)
# Generalisation of Hill numbers for alpha functional diversity
The family of indices presented in
[Chao _et al._ (2019)](https://esajournals.onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/full/10.1002/ecm.1343)
allows computing FD based on pairwise distance between species and their weights
in assemblages. This generalization of Hill numbers framework is based on two
* `q`: the importance of species weight compared to species distance. Values
allowed in `mFD` are 0, 1, 2 (the most often used, see below).
* `tau`: the threshold of functional distinctiveness between any two species
(*i.e.* all species with distance above this threshold are considered as
functionally equally distinct). Values allowed in `mFD` are "min(imum)",
"mean(imum)" and "max(imum)".
Indices are expressed as effective number of functionally equally distinct
species (or _virtual functional groups_) and could thus be directly compared
to taxonomic Hill numbers (including species richness).
**NOTE** For more details about the properties of Hill numbers FD read
[Chao _et al._ (2019)](https://esajournals.onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/full/10.1002/ecm.1343)
and especially its Figures 1 & 2.
All these indices can be computed with the function `mFD::alpha.fd.hill()`.
Here we start by comparing the **'classical' Rao's quadratic entropy expressed
in Hill numbers** following
[Ricotta & Szeidl (2009)](https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0040580909001117)
which is the special case with `q = 2` and `tau = "max"`.
baskets_FD2max <- mFD::alpha.fd.hill(
asb_sp_w = baskets_fruits_weights,
sp_dist = fruits_gower,
tau = "max",
q = 2)
Then, we can compute **Hill numbers FD of order 2** computed with `tau = "mean"`
and `q = 2` as recommended in
[Chao _et al._ (2019)](https://esajournals.onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/full/10.1002/ecm.1343)
baskets_FD2mean <- mFD::alpha.fd.hill(
asb_sp_w = baskets_fruits_weights,
sp_dist = fruits_gower,
tau = "mean",
q = 2)
We can now compare these two metrics:
round(cbind(FD2max = baskets_FD2max$"asb_FD_Hill"[ , 1],
FD2mean = baskets_FD2mean$"asb_FD_Hill"[ , 1]), 2)
We can see that FD computed with `tau = "max"` is less variable (ranging from
1.50 to only 1.86) than FD computed with `tau = "min"` (ranging from 1.72 to
4.10) illustrating its **higher sensitivity to functional differences between
**NB** **Note that even with** `q = 0`**, weights of species are still
accounted for by FD.** Hence, if the goal is to compute a richness-like index
(*i.e.* accounting only for distance between species present), function
`mFD::alpha.fd.hill()` should be applied to **species occurrence data** (coded
as 0/1, previously computed using sp.tr.summary) so that all species have the
same weight). Species occurrence data can be retrieve through the
`mFD::asb.sp.summary()` function:
# Retrieve species occurrences data:
baskets_summary <- mFD::asb.sp.summary(baskets_fruits_weights)
baskets_fruits_occ <- baskets_summary$"asb_sp_occ"
# Compute alpha FD Hill with q = 0:
baskets_FD0mean <- mFD::alpha.fd.hill(
asb_sp_w = baskets_fruits_occ,
sp_dist = fruits_gower,
tau = "mean",
q = 0)
round(baskets_FD0mean$"asb_FD_Hill", 2)
We can see that baskets with same composition of fruits species have same FD
values (*e.g* *basket_1*, *basket_2* and *basket_3*)
# Generalisation of Hill numbers for beta functional diversity
Framework of
[Chao _et al._ (2019)](https://esajournals.onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/full/10.1002/ecm.1343)
also allows computing beta-diversity, with 2 framework similar to Jaccard and
Sorensen ones for taxonomic diversity. The `mFD:beta.fd.hill()` function
computes these indices.
**NB** Note that **total weight of assemblages is affecting computation of
functional beta-diversity**. Hence **if it is does not reflect an ecological
pattern** (*e.g*. rather difference in sampling effort), it is recommended to
**apply** `mFD::beta.fd.hill()` **to relative weight of species in
# retrieve total weight per basket:
# Here baskets all contain 2000g of fruits, we illustrate how to compute...
# relative weights using the output of asb.sp.summary:
baskets_fruits_relw <- baskets_fruits_weights / baskets_summary$"asb_tot_w"
apply(baskets_fruits_relw, 1, sum)
Now we can compute functional beta-diversity of order `q = 2` (with
`tau = "mean"` for higher sensitivity) with Jaccard-type index:
# Compute index:
baskets_betaq2 <- mFD::beta.fd.hill(
asb_sp_w = baskets_fruits_relw,
sp_dist = fruits_gower,
q = 2,
tau = "mean",
beta_type = "Jaccard")
# Then use the mFD::dist.to.df function to ease visualizing result
mFD::dist.to.df(list_dist = list("FDq2" = baskets_betaq2$"beta_fd_q"$"q2"))
We can see that *basket 1* is similar (beta < 0.1) to *baskets 2,3,4,5,10* and
that it is the most dissimilar to *basket 8 (beta > 0.5)*. *Baskets 4 and 5* are
highly dissimilar (beta > 0.8) to *basket 8*.
# References
- Chao _et al._ (2019)
An attribute diversity approach to functional diversity, functional beta
diversity, and related (dis)similarity measures.
_Ecological Monographs_, **89**, e01343.
- Ricotta & Szeidl (2009)
Diversity partitioning of Rao's quadratic entropy.
_Theoretical Population Biology_, **76**, 299-302.